Friday, July 25, 2008

I entered the League of Extraordinary Douchebags today. What possibly could bring this down-to-earth, considerate, wonderful human being of an author to the D-bag status, you ask? I dove full force into bluetooth headset ownership with my popped collar waving in the wind. I know. Bad, huh?

Prior to purchasing the magical wireless D-bag accessory, I was perusing the options at the big blue box (yellow tag? D-bag candy store? I dunno what they call it). Almost every one of the headset boxes in Best Buy was mentioned "discreet design!" Well much to the contrary, there is now a permanent, very conspicuous black cyst attached to my ear with a blazing blue light shining from the center. And you want to know the part that bugs me the most? Nothing! Nada! I'm totally cool with it! I immediately opened the box, turned it on, and "paired" it, and called someone without even taking the my BlackBerry out of my pocket! Oh yeah, I have a new BlackBerry. File that one in the same douchbaggery column. I can read e-mails! And when I send e-mails via said device, they actually tell everyone that "this message sent via my BlackBerry." I've thought about replacing that message with "I sent this message while being a full fledged, registered D-bag, please call me so I can answer using my bluetooth wireless headset," but I'm too self righteously lazy to figure out how.

Feel free to join the club! There are discreet designs (sha...), and honestly, driving and answering, talking, and answering-calls-waiting is easier than ever before (texting is still a death-defying, daredevil stunt). It's so Spring 2008 to talk through a wired headset that turns you into Batman because it falls out any time you turn your head, nod, or breath (rubber-suited, stiff-necked-Michael Keaton-Val Kilmer-George Clooney Batman, not demi-god Christan Bale Batman). And plugging in that mini plug will get you just as crashed as occupying one hand with your mobile, if not more so. But I still text en route. Please forgive me.

Now if you'll excuse me, you're mild mannered author must excuse himself to go learn the finer points of the hey guns. They debut next weekend at the bars downtown.

**7/31/08 Update **
I no longer txt NE more! See this. Yikes.

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