Tuesday, March 02, 2010

What's your sentence?

Ready, set, think! Well, watch this video (embedded below), then think.

Daniel Pink, business and technology brainiac, recently spoke at TED. If you're not aware of TED, get on that. Anyways, Pink's articles have appeared in the New York Times, Harvard Business Review, Fast Company, and Wired, where he serves as a contributing editor. Translation: he's a flipping smart guy that people listen to. (as if TED was not enough evidence).

I could spend days watching videos on TED. That brain porn keeps me jumping from one intensely appealing subject to the next. I love it all. But according to Pink, that might be a problem for me. In his newest book, Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us, he suggests an individual needs to focus their energy on a cause, rather than scatter on several interests. The video below examines this concept by referencing presidents Lincoln, FDR, and JFK. It states simply, ask yourself this question: "What's my sentence." Time to get thinking...

Two questions that can change your life from Daniel Pink on Vimeo.