Monday, February 25, 2008

X-box hook ups

Never have video games worked so smoothly for me. I was playing X-Box live this weekend. Sure my roomie (who owns the system) was there, but we prefer switching off playing Live fullscreen instead of two-player split screen (Half a screen? I need a full television of destruction all for myself!).

Anyways, a lady friend of mine was hanging out with us while I was pwning those n00bs. When she got bored watching--she's not much of a voyeur--miss congeniality grabbed the headset from me and broadcast that Dbolt44 was in fact a female playing among the men. Now you've got to undestand, this is much like some boys club where everyone is content with status quo, but when estrogen enters the room, nothing else matters. Like a poker night. Or a sausage party. My teammates perked up and started chatting immediately.

Of course I only heard one side of the convo. Here's what my swiss cheese memory recalls:

"Hi, what's your name? ...
We just got back from the bars ...
You too? How old are you? ...
Where are you from? ...
Montreal?! Ooooh, you speak French!!!"

(she throws a couple French phrases out, and then it comes...)

"Are you on Facebook?"

In a matter of about 5 minutes, she was invited to Montreal to "play." I assume he's not planning on turning on multiplayer Call of Duty 4 with her, I mean, split screen just sucks.

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