Wednesday, February 06, 2008


Now that Super Tuesday has come and gone and everyone has had their say, I think it's finally time for this great blog to endorse a candidate. No more lollygagging, waffling, flip flopping or panel tamping. This is serious business.

I think it's finally safe to pick a candidate that many other people agree with so I don't seem like I'm out of touch when that candidate loses early in the primary process, cause that would just ruin Driving with Rope's credibility.

Therefore, I can say with great conviction that Driving with Rope will now endorse Al Gore.

What's that? He isn't even running? No, I'm sure I saw him winning in the primaries, or at least he was always on the TV screen. Oh. That was the history chanel? I didn't have the volume up. Lay off me. I'm starving.

Screw it. Vote for Bon Jovi.

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