Sunday, April 02, 2006

i debate

Foriegn policy. The best movie of the season. What's the new black? The content changes, but there's always a debate surrounding these topics. Right now these topics are being discussed. Years down the road, people at large tables with expensive clothes on will still be talking about these topics. But right now there's a debate going on that is new to the social landscape. It is the debate of the decade: which I-pod is better? (or more generally, which .mp3 player is better?)

Everyone has an opinion. Even that weird looking kid on the corner whose pants are too tight. But I wouldn't listen to him. He doesn't even like hot dogs. And he's a kid. That's not natural. And his opinions are probably influenced by which one Sponge Bob has, anyways.

Of course your i-choice depends on the i-needs that you have for an i-mp3 player (apple adds the "i" to everything, why can't "i"?). Even though different players are right for different people, owners of a mini music box will defend their fav as the best against all competition. Someone who owns the 30 gig i pod video will defend the massive memory size to the death, while those who own a smaller more portable version will defend its specific benefits. It's actually pretty entertaining.

Just last night I heard a plethora of different reasons to get a certain kind instead of another. For instance, the shuffle makes it too hard to pick out a certain song you want to hear. But of course the huge i pod videos cost 3 car payments. The Zen Micro is the best choice, because... "something something blah something," ... can't remember. But you get the point. Everyone's got their iron-clad opinion.

I'm not going to lie. I own one, but I feel a draw towards the nano. Smaller and cheaper, but still holds a good stack of CDs. But the little monster on my shoulder says "no! - don't banish yourself to the deep throes of "can't-fit-my-whole-CD-collection-on-that-i-Pod" hell!!! Buy more gigabytes!" Then another monster, somewhat more intelligent and more consumer-reports informed metions "That i-pod doesn't even play .ogg files and .flac files. You have a ton of music in those formats." Where to turn as a .mp3-player virgin?

Maybe the real debate should be, how will I continue to listen to my music? I've been listening to CDs my whole life. Who need's an .mp3 player when you've got CD players everywhere? Yeah yeah yeah... I know, portablilty isn't a strong suit for the 3-foot wide stereo in my bedroom. Well another debate for another time . . .

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