Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Broken lunch break

My lunch break, by Justin Roth

-Part I-

So I realized I left the large lunch I packed for myself at home in the refrigerator. So I took my lunch break going home to go get the lunch, rather than spend about $9 to purchase a comparable amount of food at the cafeteria here. So I get home open the fridge and pull out a nearly empty large ziplock baggie. All that's left is 2 yogurt cups and a protein powder bag.

I do some detective work (calling my mom) and found out she took the majority of the lunch I painstakingly put together the night before. I was kind to her on the phone, but I got off and yelled. I proceeded to take an orange out of the fridge to begin reassembling the lunch, but realized the last of my Grandmother's huckleberry jam was on the sandwich that was now in my mother's possesion. This revelation pushed me over the top and I pounded the orange with all my might. The orange dissasembled all over my shirt and pants and I began tearing into it with my mouth. I then dropped the orange into the sink, open side down, so I decided to chuck it into the garbage disposal with fervor. And what a chuck it was.

After this, I quickly assembled some tuna, a pb sandwich and a cup of yogurt to scarf down before I had to rush off back to work.

-Part II-

After putting down the calories needed to survive the rest of the work day, I headed back to work. On my way I thought about how much fun it would be to have some new, good music to listen to. I was currently listening to a bootleg live John Mayer show, so, I thought, why the heck not? I took a detour to Best Buy on the way to work to check out the John Mayer section, but much to my dismay, I didn't like the prices or the content, really. Until I came across his first CD, Inside Wants Out. Just a few tracks on there, but they are mostly all accoustic and it was only $10. But one CD? It just didn't feel right. I decided to browse the rest of the music to see if something popped out... Bob Dylan, not this time, although I really do need to catch up on the last 400 years of his stuff. Rolling Stones... no... but same story. I wanted something that I hadn't heard before. Something that was kinda catchy, but I wasn’t going to hear on KDWB, either original or sampled by Kanye. Then I saw The Derek Trucks Band, a prodigy out of the Almann Bros. family, I was introduced to some of his live stuff about a year ago. I loved what I had heard, and found out this CD had just come out this year... I was sold.

I ripped into it in the parking lot as some teeny girl and her oily haired boyfriend blasted Eminem next to me. Not that I hate the Slim Shady, but I couldn't wait to drown it out with some good, bluesy, soulful licks by Trucks. As soon as it entered the CD player, I was better. What orange? Who's sandwich? I had completely forgotten.

Moral of the story: Buy Derek Trucks music when you have a bad lunch break . . .

Confusing sub plot:
So I was checking out at Best Buy, and the girl looked at my ID and said "wow, you're young." I was dumbfounded. What the hell do you say to that? I was just like "ok..." And then she said "Well you look so (something something-can't remember relating to old)" and I was like "Well, that's what years of hard work and stress can do to you." She laughed. I said "well, I wouldn’t call it hard work, but you know." And she elevated her chuckle. That's all. Just funny. I didn't know what to make of someone calling me "young." Dissasemble that, fist.

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