Monday, January 04, 2010

New Years Devolutions

Seeing that most New Years resolutions are abandoned quite quickly, I find it appropriate to include "buy a bunch of things I want" in mine.

So here's what I'm salivating over.

A new camera. I have ideas at the bursting point for which I need a decent camera. I bought a point and shoot about two or three years ago for $300. In the eighties, wouldn't that get you something that would last? This thing sucks now. Sometimes you just want a photo to remember things. Artistic superiority would be nice, but recolection is the minimum requirement. I either have early onset alzheimers, or my camera sucks. I'm going with the later.

Canon Digital Rebel xTi: ~$700 or something like that.

Guitar Pedals. More, bigger, better and weirder than I already own. My effects pedal hunger is an unsatiable one. It would be great if I could break this one, but I promise you I will not. I got an early start and ordered the EHX Cathedral pedal for 20% off or something the day after Christmas. How can you not agree to that deal? I kick myself for not also ordering the EHX Memory Man with Hazarai. But wait, that money could go to a new camera.

EHX Cathedral reverb: ~$190 (with discount)
EHX Memory Man w/Hazarai: $214
Countless other blow-your-mind effects: $lots

New hand soap for the bathroom. I'm running out of my Method minty foam soap. That one smells like the time I moved to Atlanta. Because that's when I bought it. 2010 calls for a new scent. Let's get creative.

New hand soap: $7?

Sticky pans. Nonstick pans are bad for deglazing. They don't make any glaze with which to deglaze. Major cooking fail.

Calphalon 8-piece cooking set: $399

Albert's BBQ sliders. These things are delicious. And on one night a week, they are cheap. Can't remember what night. So here's the first prerequisite resolution of the year: figure that out.

BBQ sliders at The Albert: $1 a piece

I should put "do more exercise" on this list, but I don't want to abandon that one.

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