Wednesday, January 07, 2009

So I've got a cold. A lousy stinkin' cold. Or at least the beginnin's of one. After laying awake in bed last night with my throbbing throat denying my attempt at sleep, I got up to check what I purchased with my FlexSaver account money at the last minute in 2007.

In the past I've smacked the beginnin's of a cold in the face with Zicam. I swear it works miracles. So I was happy to find Zicam spoons in the closet. The gooey "tastless" zi-crap goo on the spoon was meant to stir into a drink--"hot or cold!" it boasted. I coudn't deny the urge to lick the cover. So I licked. And gagged. I've only gagged thrice in my life. None of them appropriate for television. This was the fourth - well suited for a TV sitcom. I moved on to stirring into the drink--cold ginger ale. The goo would not dissipate so I chugged goo-chunky ginger ale--couldn't be worse than naked tounge on goo. Altogether it probably won't list among the best moments of 2009, but this morning there was no throbbing throat, no headache, and no (full blown) cold. But even after 8 hours of sleep, I'm exhausted. Let's see how tonight goes.

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