Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Keeping tabs

I wish I came up with this business model.

I know it's my fault. I didn't order tabs in time, so I got a ticket. This woke me up, and I ordered tabs. But then then I got another ticket, and another, and another. A cop even turned left on a red light, followed me through several twists and turns, and pulled me over across the street from my office's parking lot. I told the cop I had the tabs in the mail and asked him a question about the ticket, he didn't know, didn't care, and told me to call the number on the ticket. His job is to protect and serve, but all I got served was a dish of brash attitude.

I know, I was at fault. But I can't put tabs on my plates when they're in the mail.

So I had some tickets. Too many tickets, many that came after ordering my tabs. So how do I explain that these tickets were written for me while I owned tabs that were in the mail? I had to drive out to court. Well, two courts in two different counties. When is court open? When I'm at work. When else can I go? Never. My only option is to take off work, which isn't always a viable option.

Today, I was pulled over with an expired license, and was told I cannot drive. My car would either be towed, or I could park it somewhere and walk to work. I parked. And now I'm stranded. I've called the courts several times to try to talk to someone, but the phone system disconnects me every time. I have nowhere to turn, other than pay all the fines. It's a fine business model they've cooked up.

1 comment:

Genevieve said...

I am so glad you got your car taken away for the expired license and not for the unpaid tags tickets. Sarah scared me and told the tags tickets were the reason, and let me tell you, Hennepin County as more than a few of those $130 doozy's on me. Whew. I live to drive another day.