Monday, February 13, 2006

e-dating, by j-Ro

I am not in the dating world. Thank god. I have a significant other of over two years. And we have fun (I'm not trying to rub anything in... but nah na na na nah nah). I am happy for this because a coworker just told me of a harrowing experience she had this morning. At 5 a.m. (that's in the morning, when there is no sun).

I know you just thought "holy shit" in your head. I suppose there are a lot of worse things that could happen at 5 a.m., but this is more of a mind-screw than anything else.

A guy whom her friends had set her up with came over to her house for wine and a movie. They were trying to figure out a bar to go to and what else they could do, but eventually she gave up and invited the guy over for wine. That may have been a mistake, but it's not like she invited him over the Ladies' Man Leon's "dinner and a movie."

So they had their date, and she says it was a little awkward, but he thanks her, and later sends her a message about how much fun he had. Then, at 5 a.m. on a Monday morning, he sends her a text message. You know, those black-and-white-100-characters-or-less-emotionless- avoid-human-contact-I-spent-30-minutes-typing-this-into-a-phone-instead-of-calling-you things? And he said that he was still trying to get over his "x" (he saved a ton of time avoiding the "e" in ex--also used in "emotion"), that he was sorry, but he couldn't continue this relationship and that he hoped that one day she would forgive him. This text message woke her at 5 a.m., a beautiful start to a Monday.

She said after she came out of her pre-dawn haze, she couldn't help but laugh. And I don't blame her! It's been a good chuckle all day long. But it comes down to the dating game. How hard must it be to find someone who is in the right stage of their life, interested in all the right things and also finds their potential partner attractive? While we're at it, some maturity might be nice, too.

So the text-message dump was kinda rough, especially at a time before your dog even wakes you up. But at least they didn't meet online. Cause then a text-message breakup would just be downright wrong.

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