Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Two kid ninjas in the office

TM: one time i fed my dog doritos in milk
she puked
and i had to clean it up


TM: yeah
that was a brilliant idea
stupid 6 year-old brains

me: no kidding.
drawing on walls.

TM: yeah

me: one time I gave my carpet a haircut.
I honestly thought it was a good idea.

TM: obviously
or else you wouldn't have done it

me: when you get in trouble for stuff like that, you're so confused.
you're like "no, just hear me out...the carpet—it’s fluffy like hair…"

TM: i made myself some numbchucks

me: ME TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!

TM: NO WAY!?!!??!
how did you do it?

me: my mom had really hard cardboard tubes for fax paper, or something like that.
so I took a small chain, took a screw and put it through to tube to secure the chain, and ta da - nunchucks.

TM: i climbed a tree with some hedge clippers and cut some branches for the numbchucks

me: you're going all natural

TM: and then took a nail and nailed a hole through each
and then threaded it with twine
it was pretty badass

me: that's awesome.

TM: b/c those things could actually hurt someone i got in trouble

me: I kept mine secret in the toy room.

TM: i tried
but i took them everywhere
so they eventually found out

i never would have thought in a million years that someone else made numbchucks

me: Well, I haircut a carpet and you fed a dog Doritos in milk. We were bound to match up on something. Thank god it was something as awesome as nunchucks.

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